Tuesday 10 July 2018

Why we need to be Religious.....?

Why We Need To Be Religious....?

First of all religion not simply worshipping god and do a different kind of rituals and sacrifices. I don't mean doing these things is wrong but doing mechanically without understanding core point is of no use. I mean to say without listening and understanding of words of Krishna how can you supposed to worship him, if you do so it is good you will be realized some other time. Generally, we are all no better than animals by nature in terms of eating, sleeping, mating and defending (like animals feel hungry and we too feel, they also likes to sleep and we also, they will select a partner and we do same, and they will defend others for security and food and we also do same) but humans will do it in an advanced way like eating in a five-star hotel, sleeping in a closed air-conditioned room, selecting life partner, and defending with others to rescue their properties. In this material life, everyone goal is to do those 4 things better than others. If you do those four things by spending lots of physical efforts and money and you will end up your life the same as an animal or sometimes even worst. So religion consists of some principles where a human can follow them and they can differentiate human from animal. And we must have eating, sleeping, mating and defending but with some regulative principles and conditions. For example, a dog can have sex with many other female dogs but a human can not do that.

Religion means to understand your constitutional position. And to find absolute truth by studying and analyzing scriptures. Even though your atheist there's is nothing wrong to find good things from Vedic scriptures like Bhagavatham and Bhavagathgita and many authorized scriptures. We are accepting and influenced by movies (someone's imagination) even though they are not authorized and might not be true so why not we follow our scriptures and follow footsteps of some great characters. But in this article, I don't want to discuss god and belief but I am just saying we all belong to Sanatana dharma so we can not neglect our valuable scriptures where ypu can find answers to all of your questions. 


Many of us thinking like being religious and following religious principles is a sentimental thing. But as per my research and experiences, I suggest everyone must be religious whatever the religion. And the clarification as follows.

One who is religious follows Vedic lifestyle. Everything stated in Vedas is purely technical. As of now keep it aside as I am not qualified enough discuss Vedas. But when it comes to religious principles i have many experiences and observations.

Every religion talks about peace, happiness, prosperity,..etc. Keep Deity worship, belief of god aside. The person who is matured enough to understand Religion treats all other being equally, he is far away from anger, greed and lust. He doesn't want to go after material desires, sensual things.

Every religion has some principles and they are same but those are misinterpreted by some leaders and gurus for their personal benefits. As per my observation, those principles are 
  • NO Gambling
  • NO Intoxication
  • NO Illicit sex
  • NO meat eating 
  • Restricting Bad association
When a person becomes intoxicated he lost his conscience, intelligence so that he can not differentiate good or bad. Even though usually he is good but if he is intoxicated he doesn't mind his ethics, values, knowledge and he simply commits a crime or he may lose his life by any means because he doesn't have consciousness. This will make his family suffer or others. His entire life will be spoiled. (I have many examples many crimes and cases recorded even u can find in the daily newspaper)

If a person committed a crime or committing suicide there must be either of 5 reasons. If you are religious you will be trained to follow those 5 things in any circumstances.

There is a song "Vaishnava Jana To "is one of the most popular Hindu bhajans, written in the 15th century by the poet Narsinh Mehta in the Gujarati language. The bhajan was included in Mahatma Gandhi’s daily prayer. The bhajan speaks about the life, ideals and mentality of a Vaishnava Jana (a follower of Vishnu). If you're religious you will be like following...

Call those people Vaishnavas who
Feel the pain of others,
Help those who are in misery,
But never let self-conceit enter their mind.

They respect the entire world,
Do not disparage anyone,
Keep their words, actions and thoughts pure,
The mother of such a soul is blessed.

They see all equally, renounce craving,
Respect other women as their own mother,
Their tongue never utters false words,
Their hands never touch the wealth of others

They do not succumb to worldly attachments,
They are firmly detached from the mundane,
They are enticed by the name of God (Rama),
All places of pilgrimage are embodied in them.

They have forsaken greed and deceit,
They stay afar from lust and anger,
Narsi says: I'd be grateful to meet such a soul,
Whose virtue liberates their entire lineage.   

Everyone must possess those characteristics with the help of their parents, spiritual master or any other authorized sources. 

If you have those characteristics naturally and you are atheist is it necessary to follow Religion principles.....? someone may ask these question and my answer is follows

It is said in BG we are all spirit souls and part and parcel of the lord so we are all having same qualities of the lord but Maya (illusion energy) will dominate in this material world and at any point, you may get distracted by material energy and you may fail to follow regulative principles which are by either bad association (as you are atheist you may have bad association), or by some worldly mundane things movies and newspapers etc.

If you are religious then you must practiced following those principles and there is no chance of bad association and no chance of distraction.


  1. Simple to understand yet deeply thought provoking. Very necessary principles for today's generation who shun religion feeling 'ashamed' of it.

  2. Nice explanation 👌 without touching the sensitivity of religion... A deep thinker only can talk like this... Your WORDS may change the WORLD... Keep it up 👍
